Mission Statement
To create, develop, and deliver a successful Real Estate investment experience for our clients, partners, tenants, team members, vendors, and the community. Our vision is to maximize revenue while reducing risk liability expense and exposure. Accountability is a top priority establishing checkpoints, follow up, performance measurements and consistently producing results. Our philosophy is to build strong relationships with everyone we come in contact with.
Core Values
We hire, support, develop, mentor, and retain great people.
We continually develop a work environment and atmosphere that brings out the best in our team, our clients, and partners.
We are accountable to the needs of our clients, tenants, partners, vendors, team members, and the community every day.
We work and live by the highest moral and ethical standards. It is who we are, what we do, and what we represent.
We are highly motivated to deliver the absolute best results for you our client.
We continually seek and implement for innovative solutions to generate success.
Honesty is the best policy.
"Rob Gasca Real Estate was established on the principles of honesty, integrity, performance, and results. I don't view this firm as just another Commercial and Multi-Family real estate company but one that will take Real Estate Broker services to the next level for our clients. RGRG was created to evolve and innovate with our client's needs, getting back to delivering the most exceptional level of service and building strong relationships, while holding ourselves accountable to produce positive results every day."
Owner, Managing Broker
Owner/Managing Broker
Designated Broker/Owner
Director of Operations and Administration
Director of Multi-Family/Real Estate Broker
Director of Commercial/Senior Broker
Real Estate Broker/Commerical Property Manager
Commercial Broker
Single-Family Residential Property Manager
Commercial Real Estate Broker
Bookkeeper/Administrative Assistant
Multifamily Leasing Agent & Admini
Multifamily Administrative Assistant
Multi-Family Leasing Agent/Administrative Support
MultiFamily Leasing Agent & Administrative Support
Administrative Assistant
Looking for more information or wish to speak with someone from Rob Gasca Real Estate Group? Get in touch with us today by phone or email, listed below. We look forward to hearing from you.
Maple Leaf Real Estate/Maple leaf Property Management/Rob Gasca Real Estate Group LLC does business in accordance with the Federal, State and Local Fair Housing laws and welcome Persons of all Race, Color, Disability, Religious Creed, Ancestry, Sex, Familial Status, Sexual Preference, Gender Identity, Age and National Origin. We process applications and score is on the criteria described in this policy. We do not accept comprehensive reusable tenant screening reports.