Buxton is a consumer intelligence technology company dedicated to helping organizations make the right business decisions. Clients select from a combination of proprietary technology tools, advanced analysis, and expert consulting to answer questions about their consumer base, real estate decisions, growth planning, targeted marketing, and more. Their experience spans the retail, restaurant, consumer services, healthcare, private equity, commercial real estate, and public sectors.
Phone (817) 332-3681
Email buxton@buxtonco.com
Commerical Brokers Association is a broker-owned commercial real estate Multiple Listing Service. They seek out and develop the best resources that the CRE industry has to offer to provide an integrated system of market research, listings services, legal contracts, networking, education, association management services, arbitration and industry lobbying efforts.
Phone (425) 820-3348
Email info@commercialmls.com
CoStar Group offers a powerful portfolio of the most heavily trafficked sites for office, industrial, retail, apartments, businesses for sale and land. They provides their clients with the information and tools they need to succeed in every aspect of their business, across all asset classes. As the largest commercial real estate information and analytics provider, they take pride in empowering industry professionals with the most compressive data to make decisions with confidence.
Phone 800-613-1303
Email support@costar.com
LoopNet is one of the most recognized CRE search engines and offers a number of different types of commercial property including office, multifamily, industrial, retail, land, agricultural, hotel & motel, and residential income properties.
With more than 10 million monthly unique visitors, their site achieves great visibility for listings online. LoopNet is able to connect clients with their next tenant faster, helping them spend less time on market.
Phone 800-613-1303
Email help@LoopNet.com
Maple Leaf Real Estate LLC, your resource for high-quality residential and commercial investments in the Pacific Northwest. Offering single family, condo’s, multi-plex’s, multi-family, apartments, and commercial properties.
Phone 206-250-7367
Email contactus@mapleleafmgt.com
Northwest Multiple Listing Service ("NWMLS") is a not-for-profit, member-owned organization created to facilitate cooperation among its member real estate firms. The organization's broad offerings include a property listing system, mobile apps, an online showing appointment scheduling service, statewide public real property database, online forms and electronic signature service, cloud storage, data analytics, keybox services, 21 service centers, and related customer support & training.
Phone 425-820-9200
Thayer Manca Residental, TMR, is a Seattle-based, private equity firm focusing on multifamily investments in the Western U.S. since 1981. The firm manageds more than $5 billion in multifamily assets in five states. TMR is committed to protect and grow its investors’ capital, while delivering safe, clean and inspired rental homes to thousands of families and individual residents.
Phone (425) 957-7277
Looking for more information or wish to speak with someone from Rob Gasca Real Estate Group? Get in touch with us today by phone or email, listed below. We look forward to hearing from you.
Maple Leaf Real Estate/Maple leaf Property Management/Rob Gasca Real Estate Group LLC does business in accordance with the Federal, State and Local Fair Housing laws and welcome Persons of all Race, Color, Disability, Religious Creed, Ancestry, Sex, Familial Status, Sexual Preference, Gender Identity, Age and National Origin. We process applications and score is on the criteria described in this policy. We do not accept comprehensive reusable tenant screening reports.