TOTAL SF: 200,000
STATUS: Available
Triton Court is an incredible opportunity for retail or office right next door to Edmonds College with over 10,000 students, to serve alongside and right in the middle of a strong commercial and residential corridor offering plenty of opportunity for success. Beautiful brand-new mixed-use building. The ground level contains excellent options for retail space, the second level offers professional office space, and the third through fifth floors are residential units accommodating Edmonds College students. The second floor has a large patio accessible to use for each tenant. Also contains parking garage with controlled access. 12,052 square feet of retail space and 10,500 square feet of office space are available.
Looking for more information or wish to speak with someone from Rob Gasca Real Estate Group? Get in touch with us today by phone or email, listed below. We look forward to hearing from you.
Maple Leaf Real Estate/Maple leaf Property Management/Rob Gasca Real Estate Group LLC does business in accordance with the Federal, State and Local Fair Housing laws and welcome Persons of all Race, Color, Disability, Religious Creed, Ancestry, Sex, Familial Status, Sexual Preference, Gender Identity, Age and National Origin. We process applications and score is on the criteria described in this policy. We do not accept comprehensive reusable tenant screening reports.