Summer Maintenance Checklist for Commercial Real Estate
As spring gives way to summer, it's time to start thinking about your summer maintenance checklist. Being proactive about summer maintenance will protect your property and assets, potentially preventing larger problems in the long run. So where do you start? Our team at Rob Gasca Real Estate is here to help! Below is a checklist we have created to help you get started.
Indoor Maintenance
• HVAC Maintenance- replace air filters, check thermostats, furnaces, and A/C units, outdoor units. It’s always a great idea of have a quarterly HVAC inspection to make sure your systems are in tip-top shape.
• Plumbing- complete a thorough inspection of the plumbing system, checking for leaks and smells.
• Inspect fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and CO2 alarms.
• Inspect window and doors as well as the seals, checking for mold and cracks. Replacing any broken seals or windows will help keep cold air in and keep warm air out.
Outdoor Maintenance
Outdoor maintenance is especially key during the summer to keep the exterior of the property looking nice.
• Landscaping for commercial properties is something that affects the look and appeal of your company. Cutting the lawn and remove debris or leaves. Pruning bushes, pulling weeds. Spreading fertilizer all improves exterior esthetics.
• Set up the irrigation system and inspecting for any damage or leaks.
• Take a walk around the building and through common areas and see if there are cracks or damage that need repair
• Replace external light bulbs and lighting
• Assess the roof and see if there are any missing shingles, or if there’s any sign of roof damage.
• Clear the gutters and downspouts
Summer is the perfect time to schedule maintenance for your commercial property. Taking the time to perform a thorough summer maintenance on your property will ensure that your business not only runs smoothly, but also looks great.
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Maple Leaf Real Estate/Maple leaf Property Management/Rob Gasca Real Estate Group LLC does business in accordance with the Federal, State and Local Fair Housing laws and welcome Persons of all Race, Color, Disability, Religious Creed, Ancestry, Sex, Familial Status, Sexual Preference, Gender Identity, Age and National Origin. We process applications and score is on the criteria described in this policy. We do not accept comprehensive reusable tenant screening reports.